Welcome to Jeronym Klimes' homepage

Dear visitors,
I am a psychologist from Czech republic. I deal mostly with partnership breakups and divorses, parental wars for children, parental alienation syndrome, etc.

Please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours Jeronym Klimes

Actual contacts              

Partners and breakups

adoption, foster care


Lymphoma, cancer

Music, Piano

My music scores archive
My books
Political essays






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Hebrew-Czech GNU-GPL dictionary

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Buy for your English speaking friends this book on breakups.

Jeroným Klimeš: Josef Lada - launching a perfect probe into the life of a common man

A leaflet about excelent Czech painter - Josef Lada - and his world. The leaflet was translated into five languages and published on the occasion of his international exhibition in Brussels and many other towns and countries. 2009-06-23, id(690), Psychologie, Rodina, English, ja(1), priorita(1),

The Role of Laws and Quality Psychological Testing in the Adoptions Procedure in the Czech Republic

Lenka Fořtová is a student of Anglo-American college in Prague. She wrote this work for one of her courses, and she exploited quite a lot of my work. I am so grateful to her, as I need not to translate it into English, when I want to give you an overview what was my dissertation about. 2003-05-12, id(160), Rodina, English, ja(2), priorita(0),

Abused and neglected children based on the theory of an ambivalent object

I started to work on a theory of reactions at an ambivalent object after my first thesis. This is an article from one conference. 2002-06-10, id(72), Psychologie, Rodina, English, ja(1), priorita(0),


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