Jeroným Klimeš: Josef Lada - launching a perfect probe into the life of a common man
A leaflet about excelent Czech painter - Josef Lada - and his world. The leaflet was translated into five languages and published on the occasion of his international exhibition in Brussels and many other towns and countries. 2009-06-23, id(690), Psychologie, Rodina, English, ja(1), priorita(1),
The Role of Laws and Quality Psychological Testing in the Adoptions Procedure in the Czech Republic
Lenka Fořtová is a student of Anglo-American college in Prague. She wrote this work for one of her courses, and she exploited quite a lot of my work. I am so grateful to her, as I need not to translate it into English, when I want to give you an overview what was my dissertation about. 2003-05-12, id(160), Rodina, English, ja(2), priorita(0),
Abused and neglected children based on the theory of an ambivalent object
I started to work on a theory of reactions at an ambivalent object after my first thesis. This is an article from one conference. 2002-06-10, id(72), Psychologie, Rodina, English, ja(1), priorita(0),
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